stack instruction

英 [stæk ɪnˈstrʌkʃn] 美 [stæk ɪnˈstrʌkʃn]

网络  堆栈指令



  1. The operations that can be performed on the operand stack are all defined independently of any native processor's instruction set.
  2. Some instructions in Rexx may explicitly specify a stack to operate on; but other instructions operate within an environment which you configure with the ADDRESS instruction.
  3. It uses a stack architecture, meaning instruction operands are loaded to an internal stack before they're used.
  4. Finally, the stack pointer is moved to reserve all the needed stack space using the instruction ai$ sp,$ sp,-FRAME_SIZE.
  5. There is no stack transition behavior specified for this instruction.
  6. NET CLR. The virtual machine is used to maintain the run-time environment which is composed of code section, frame stack, function stack, constant section, instruction pointer, etc and control the executing of program.
  7. The virtual machine maintains the run-time environment, which is composed of code section, data section, function calling stack, operand stack, instruction pointer, etc. All that is good to the executing and the debugging of program.
  8. It takes following items into consideration, global variable, local variable, stack, furthermore, by the concept of granularity division, it divides function into instruction blocks.
  9. Hardware Stack Design for Loop Instruction Optimization
  10. In FPGA, CPU IP Core have necessary arithmetic logic unit ( ALU), register stack, instruction buffer, Jump-counter, instruction-set, and optimize the performance of CPU based on the architecture of FPGA.
  11. Uses the thought of stack to actualize the transformation from instruction list into ladder diagram.
  12. Implement Java Stack and Related Instruction for Java Virtual Machine
  13. Based on these information, make the attack code accepts the buffer boundary check, stack boundary check, return address check and jump instruction check, intercept attacks on the key nodes of buffer overflow attacks, enhance system dynamic security.
  14. Using a stack algorithm achieved ladder logic into Instruction List, and ultimately to generate the file which can identified by CNC machine tools.